Embracing Support: Your Shortcut to Success

“I’ve been trying for so long to figure this out on my own but have finally admitted that I need your help!”

These are the exact words that a new client, a successful lawyer who was trying to grow their business, said to me this week. And believe me – it’s not the first time that I have heard this!

Asking for professional help can very often be a last resort. The only option when we have explored everything else to figure it out on our own.

And for some, it feels like they have failed because they feel they “should” be able to solve it for themselves.

But let me give you a fresh perspective on why you shouldn’t wait as long as you possibly can before reaching out to ask for support!

  1. Asking for support and help will empower you to get where you want to go quicker. Whether you are trying to grow your business, progress in your career or plan an exit strategy, support and accountability will 100% get you moving faster and taking action!
  2. Having the fresh perspectives from someone whose view and experience of the world is different to yours can ignite creative solutions that you would never have considered on your own
  3. It’s much easier to make changes and grow when you don’t feel alone. We all know the saying that we are not meant to be an island. It’s MUCH more enjoyable to be on a journey with someone alongside you.

So, if we know the benefits, why does it take some of us a while to seek support? When I worked in Corporate, my 3 main reasons were:  

I wasn’t sure what TYPE of support I needed. Did I need a mentor, a coach or just speak with a friendly peer?
I didn’t want to be VULNERABLE – it’s hard to admit you are struggling – either with the demands of the job, managing a stakeholder or with mental overwhelm.
I wasn’t sure who I could TRUST

And if I’m honest, it was the TRUST issue that was the biggest hurdle. And that’s where investing in a coach was priceless for me. And this is one of the main reasons why people choose to work with me.

It is incredibly freeing to be able to be honest, explore your thoughts and challenges without fear of judgement or gossip!

So, if you are reading this and know that you could do with some support then PLEASE take some action! Do you have an amazing friend who could listen objectively? Is it time to ask someone at work to mentor you? Or do you need to work with someone completely outside of your work sphere, who can coach you to grow your business and thrive in your role.

If you need mentorship, guidance and support of someone who has worked in the corporate world for most of her career and who gets what you are struggling with, then I’m happy to be that person to come alongside you right now. Contact me by booking a Discovery Call and let’s talk.